
‘Gorgeous Tiny Home”; Facebook Giveaway Scam

According to a post currently being shared on Facebook, you could win a “gorgeous tiny home” just by liking, sharing, commenting, and clicking a sign-up button.  

The post, which features several photographs of the tiny home, promises that you could be driving away with the house in tow come June 26 when the winner will be announced.

But, alas, the post is just another Facebook giveaway scam. The Australian based Facebook Page that the post comes from is fraudulent and it is not giving away any houses, tiny or otherwise.

The pictured dwelling is built by a US based company called  Sanctuary Tiny Homes. (Towing the thing from Florida could be a problem for the supposed  Australian winner).

By tricking people into liking, sharing, and commenting, the scammers ensure that their bogus post will spread rapidly across Facebook, thereby promoting the Facebook Page far and wide.

And, if you click the  sign-up button, you will not be taken to any legitimate prize entry form for the tiny home. Instead, you will be taken to various third-party websites that promise you the chance to win further prizes in exchange for completing surveys and submitting your personal details.

But, if you proceed, your information will be shared with site sponsors and marketing companies who will subsequently inundate you with unwanted phone calls, emails, text messages, and letters promoting a variety of products and services.

Meanwhile, the scammers who created the fake giveaway will earn commissions each time somebody enters details on one of the survey websites.  

Scams like this continue to be very common on Facebook.   Be wary of any Page or post that claims that you can win valuable prizes such as tiny homes or holidays just by liking, sharing, and filling in surveys.

An example of the scam post:

Tiny Home Giveaway

Original Source : https://www.hoax-slayer.net/gorgeous-tiny-home-facebook-giveaway-scam/