
‘Mega Luxury Dream House Giveaway’ Facebook Scam

Facebook post  claims that ‘for the second time in Facebook history’ it is giving away a  ‘mega luxury dream house’ to three randomly selected families. All you need do to win, claims the post, is like the Page, share the promotional post, and comment with your current city and state.

Brief Analysis:
The supposed giveaway is a scam and the Facebook page is fraudulent. No luxury dream house double wide trailers are being given away.  The  fake giveaway  is designed  to accumulate large numbers of likes very quickly so that the offending Facebook Page can be reused for further scams or sold to other scammers via the black market.


This week, for the SECOND time in our company history we are giving away double wide trailers to three families that we will select on July 27th 2016 completely at random.
Would you like to participate in this amazing giveaway for a chance to own this dream home? Simply follow these steps below to enter:
1) Like this page 2) Share on your wall (VERY IMPORTANT) 3) Comment your current city & state

Luxury Dream House giveaway scam

Detailed Analysis:
According to a  post currently being shared on Facebook, a Page called ‘Diamond Ring’ is offering users the chance to win a  ‘mega luxury dream house’ in exchange for liking, sharing, and commenting. Supposedly, this is the second time in Facebook history that the company has organised such a giveaway. For a chance to win one of the three double wide trailer giveaways, claims the post, all you need to do is like the  Diamond Ring Facebook Page, share the promotional post, and add a comment listing  the city and state you live in. The post features photographs depicting one of the double wide trailers that is set to be given away.

However, the supposed giveaway is a scam.  No double wide trailer ‘dream houses’ are being given away and there are no winners other than the scammers who created the bogus Facebook Page. The purpose of the fake prize post is to accumulate large numbers of  likes for the  Diamond Ring Facebook Page as quickly as possible. By stipulating that participants must like the Page for a chance to win, the scammers know that their Page like-count will grow very rapidly. And, by also  instructing users to share and comment on the post, the scammers ensure that their Page is seen by  many more potential victims.

After the Facebook Page has accumulated a great many new likes via the fraudulent giveaway, its unscrupulous owners can then use it to launch other cons  such as survey scams, this time to a considerably larger audience.  Alternatively, the Page may be sold on the black market to other scammers who will subsequently repurpose it for their own requirements. The more likes a Facebook Page has, the more money it will likely command on the black market.

Not surprisingly, the primary focus of the Diamond Ring Facebook page is  – wait for it – diamond rings. It hosts a series of posts featuring diamond ring images stolen from other websites along with demands to like and share. There are also other fraudulent ‘giveaway’ posts on the Page that claim that participants can win one of the pictured rings. The fake ‘dream house’ giveaway is apparently an effort to gain the attention of a more diverse audience. And, like other scams of its ilk, the ruse certainly works. At the time of writing, the bogus prize post had  already been shared more than 382,000 times and attracted 185 thousand comments.

Like-farming scams like this one are very common on Facebook. Be wary of any post or Facebook Page that claims that you can win valuable prizes just for liking, sharing, and commenting. Don’t be tempted to participate just in case the supposed giveaway is real. By doing so, you are aiding and abetting the nefarious activities of Facebook scammers. And, you are exposing your Facebook friends to the scam as well.

Last updated: July 14, 2016
First published: July 14, 2016
By Brett M. Christensen
About Hoax-Slayer

Facebook Like-Farming Scams
What is a Facebook Survey Scam?


Original Source : https://www.hoax-slayer.net/mega-luxury-dream-house-giveaway-facebook-scam/