
Surprise, Surprise! Valentine’s Day “Luxury RV”; Facebook Giveaways Are Scams

Various Facebook Pages claim to be giving away  20 luxury RV’s On February 14, 2017 as part of a “Valentine’s Day Gift Giveaway”.

The Facebook Pages are scams designed to accumulate large numbers of Facebook likes as quickly as possible. Once the Pages have collected a large number of likes, they can then be reused to launch other types of scam. Or, they may be sold on the black market to other scammers.

These Facebook Pages are certainly not giving away even one “luxury RV”, let alone twenty. In fact, the suggestion that any Facebook Page would give away millions of dollars worth of RVs just to gain a few likes and shares is utterly absurd.  The same  collection of fake RV giveaway posts has been recycled  among several bogus Facebook Pages in recent weeks.  After one of the  bogus Pages  has used the RV giveaway ruse to collect a great many new likes, its owners may then remove all of the RV posts and publish them on another bogus Page they operate.

In fact, the same fraudulent RV giveaway posts were also  used over and over again  on many different scam Facebook Pages during 2016.  After Valentine’s Day has come and gone, the same scam posts will likely be revamped  to fit other occasions and reposted yet again.

Bottom line? Any Facebook Page or Post that claims that you can win a luxury RV worth hundreds of thousands  of dollars just by liking, sharing, and commenting is a scam. Do not help these scammers by participating in their bogus giveaways.

This Hoax-Slayer YouTube video explains more about how like-farming scams work:

Refer to the following resources for further details about such scams:
Facebook Like-Farming Scams
Like-Farming Scam List

Luxury RV Like-Farming Scam

Last updated: February 9, 2017
First published: February 9, 2017
By Brett M. Christensen
About Hoax-Slayer

Epic Fail! – “Mega Trends” Scam Facebook Page Can’t Even Get The Date Right!
Watch Out For ‘Luxury RV’ Giveaway Scams On Facebook

Original Source : https://www.hoax-slayer.net/surprise-surprise-valentines-day-luxury-rv-facebook-giveaways-are-scams/