
Steve Irwin Became Born Again Christian Rumour – Hoax-Slayer

Forwarded email claims that Crocodile Hunter Steve Irwin became a born again Christian shortly before he died.


Subject: Good News about Steve Irwin

I want to inform Creation Ministries International that Steve Irwin became a born again Christian two and a half weeks ago at the Kings Church AOG Buderim, Queensland Australia, going forward publically before the congregation to ask Christ to become his Lord and Saviour.

Many of us will now spend eternity with him. I am sure Terri is comforted as a Christian in the fact that she will be with Jesus and also Steve again for eternity. Steve declared the day before he died that he was the happiest he had ever been in his whole life.

Pastor Robyn Reiser

Noosa Christian Outreach Centre

Original Source : https://www.hoax-slayer.com/steve-irwin-born-again.shtml