
Mexican Largest Flower in the World Photo – 'Blooms Once Every Forty Years' – Hoax-Slayer

This story was first published on November 22nd, 2009


Circulating message claims that an attached photograph shows a flower in Mexico that is the largest in the world and only blooms once every forty years for four days.  

Brief Analysis

The image is genuine, but the message is inaccurate in its description of the flower. The flower shown in the image – Amorphophallus titanum or Titan Arum – is indeed considered the largest in the world. However, the photograph was taken at Germany’s Wilhelma Botanical and Zoological Gardens, not in Mexico as claimed. And, it is not true that the plants only bloom once every forty years.


Subject: Awesome flower!!

This flower in Mexico only blooms once every 40 years for 4 days. How magnificent is God’s creation!

The largest flower in the world is blossoming in the mountainous region of Rio Blanco, Veracruz, Mexico. Two meters high, it has the peculiarity of blooming only during four days every 40 years.