
George Zimmerman Targeted In Another Death Hoax

According to a “breaking news” post that is currently  traversing the interwebs  at speed,  George Zimmerman has been found  dead.  

However, the claims in the post are untrue.  George Zimmerman  is not dead.

For those who may not be aware,  George Zimmerman was charged and subsequently acquitted in the shooting death  of  Trayvon Martin in 2012.  The ongoing controversy surrounding  the Trayvon Martin case has meant that  Zimmerman has been the subject of much media attention in the years since the shooting.

The fake-news message claims that authorities discovered  Zimmerman’s dead body in a toilet stall at a  Marriott hotel after  a security guard noticed a putrid odour  and observed a person on their knees behind the stall door.

Here’s an example of the post:

George Zimmerman Dead Hoax

If you click on the post you will be taken to a prank website that  tells you that “you got owned”. So, the  Zimmerman  death story is just somebody’s idea of a prank and was never intended to be taken seriously.  Given Zimmerman’s history and the rather crude nature of the fictional death story,  this “prank” perhaps reflects it’s author’s contempt and hatred for the man.

The prank site claims that it doesn’t support fake-news but, in fact, the material it publishes  is certainly deserving of the fake-news label.

The site invites you to create your own prank story via a story template so that you can trick your friends.

Another fake news story, which first appeared back in 2014, falsely claimed that Zimmerman shot and killed himself while loading a gun. And yet another fake story  falsely claimed that  Zimmerman had been arrested  in Ferguson, Missouri after a gun related altercation.  


Original Source : https://www.hoax-slayer.net/george-zimmerman-targeted-in-another-death-hoax/