
Dave and Angela Dawes Advance Fee Lottery Scams

Email purporting to be from UK lottery winners Dave and Angela Dawes claims that recipients have been randomly selected to receive 1.5 million pounds from the couple as part of a charity initiative.

Brief Analysis:
The email is not from Dave and Angela Dawes and you are not going to receive any money. The message is a scam designed to trick you into sending your money and personal information to Internet criminals.


Grant Donation!!!

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Dave & Angela Dawes


Message flagged Saturday, December 17, 2011 1:00 AMMessage body
My wife and I won one of Britain’s biggest lottery of £101 Million British Pounds and we have decided to donate to the less privileged and charity projects all over the world, and make at least 20 people millionaires.

To verify, please see our interview by visiting the web page below.
Your email address was among the emails which was submitted to us by the google inc. as a web user, to be one of our beneficiaries, kindly send us the below details so that we can issue a valid cheque for £1,500,000.00 pounds in your name or direct our bank to effect the transfer of the funds.
============================================================ ===========
*Full Name:
*Telephone Number:
============================================================ ===========
Send your response to  DaveAngelaDawes@—————

Best Regards,
Dave & Angela Dawes

My wife and I won the biggest Euro Millions lottery prize of £101,203,600.70 GBP and we just commenced our Charity Donation and we will be giving out a cash donation of £1,500,000.00 GBP to five(5)lucky individuals and ten(10)charity organisations from any part of the world.

To verify the genuineness of this email and our winnings, please see our interview by visiting the web page below;


Your email address was submitted to my wife and I by the Google Management Team and you received this email because we have listed you as one of the lucky millionaires, Kindly send us the below details so that we can direct our Bank can effect a valid Bank Draft in your name to your operational bank account in your country.


Full Name:







Congratulations & Happy Celebrations in Advance,

Dave & Angela Dawes

According to a series of emails claiming to be from UK lottery winners, Dave and Angela Dawes, a number of lucky recipients have been selected to receive a donation of 1.5 million pounds each from the couple. The messages claim that Google chose recipients randomly via their email addresses.   The “lucky” beneficiaries are instructed to contact Dave and Angela to arrange payment of the donation. In an effort to validate the claims, links to a BBC News article about the lottery win are included in the emails.

Dave and Angela Dawes really did win 101 million pounds in a UK lottery jackpot in October 2011. And, they did announce that they were intending to give up to twenty family and friends 1 million pounds each.

However, these emails are not from the Dawes and recipients are not set to receive any money at all from the couple. In fact, the emails are advance fee scams designed to fool recipients into sending money and personal information to cybercriminals.

People who fall for the trick and reply to one of the emails will soon be asked to send various upfront fees, ostensibly to cover expenses such as insurance and banking costs. The scammers, still posing as Dave and Angela Dawes, will insist that the fees must be payed in advance for legal reasons and cannot be paid out of the “donation” itself. They will warn that, if recipients do not pay up as requested, their donation will be given to other randomly selected recipients.

Once victims pay up the first time, requests for further fees are likely to continue. Of course, no matter how many fees they pay, victims will never receive the promised donation. Nor are they ever likely to see a return of any of the money they have sent.

And, victims will also be asked to provide a large amount of personal and financial information, ostensibly to prove their identity and right to claim the funds. This information may later be used by criminals to steal the identities of victims.

The tactic used in this scam campaign is not uncommon.   In fact, the names of several other lottery winners have been used in very similar scam campaigns. Be wary of any message that claims that you have been randomly selected to receive a large sum of money from a lottery winner that you have never even met. While lottery winners may indeed give a portion of their winnings away, they are extremely unlikely to give money to total strangers based on the random selection of their email address.

Advance fee scammers use many different cover stories to gain victims. Any unsolicited email that claims that you have been randomly selected as the winner of a large sum of money in a contest that you have never even entered should be treated with extreme caution. Real lotteries, promotions and grant schemes do not operate in this manner.

Last updated: August 30, 2013
First published: August 30, 2013
By Brett M. Christensen
About Hoax-Slayer

£101m lottery jackpot winners Dave and Angela Dawes to give millions to friends and family
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Original Source : https://www.hoax-slayer.net/dave-and-angela-dawes-advance-fee-lottery-scams/